Today was the last day of our Assistant Instructor course. This course is the first part of Instructor Development Course (IDC). IDC consists of two parts: the AI course followed by Open Water Scuba Instructor course. Usually they are taken together, but it's possible to do them separately, like we did. AI course focuses on in-water diver control, presentation (or lecture) preparation and conduct. During the course you also learn about PADI programs that can be conducted by Assistant Instructors. This are the same as Divemaster programs plus: Peak Performance Buoyancy, Underwater Photography, Seal Team Missions and Project Aware Specialties. Additionally AIs can asses the surface skills during OWD course and give the lectures during that course. Another important part of the course is about general PADI standards and procedures and particular courses standards.
A part of the course also focuses on demonstrating skills underwater, however unlike the DM which stresses the quality of the demonstration, AI is about maintaining control underwater. The same goes for the open water part of the course: you are assigned two exercises that you must perform with a group of "students". These students are of course your fellow AI trainees or instructors, and each of them is simulating a problem, as assigned by the instructor. These problems range from collecting corals while you're not looking, through loosing parts of equipment, to trying to do an uncontrolled positive buoyancy ascent:) You, as their instructor, must maintain complete control over what they are doing and don't let them do anything stupid. The quality of your briefings and debriefings also gets rated.
At the end your diving knowledge is exam (same as during the divemaster exam).
I feel that during this course I've learned a lot about conducting lectures and presentations and also about diver control. Still, I feel that I need a little bit more experience before signing for my OWSI course and completing the Instructor Examination.
About a clever scheme to become a PADI Divemaster, travel and dive for free in ... well, somewhere tropical. Also about PADI and diving in general.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Phuket first impressions
After some problems during the flight we finally landed on Phuket. The problems we had were with the Polish airlines - LOT. It turned out that they don't respect some agreements with other airlines or are to lazy to check the conditions of these agreements. The company we bought our tickets from (LTU Airlines) assured us that we can transport diving equipment free of charge, and the guy at Okęcie Airport checkin wanted to charge us for that luggage. This additional fee was so big that we decided to leave our luggage behind:/ Thankfully our friend offered to ship it for us, but we will have to wait before he arranges the air freight. Until then we only have our masks, fins and snorkels, one regulator, diving computers and compasses. If you can, try to avoid LOT.
We landed on Phuket and are staying in a hotel in Phuket Town. We are (or at least I am) a bit overwhelmed by this place (the Phuket town). It's so much different than any other city I have visited. Phuket Town seems very dirty to an average European person. In addition everything smells different, everyone seems to want to kill you with their motorbike, the traffic rules we are used to are "just guidelines" here.
We don't know the town and although we have some maps (and of course our Lonely Planet guide) we are clueless how to get to places we want to go. Thai people are very friendly, that's true, but the don't speak English:/ To make things worse, they are very good at hiding this fact from you. They just say "Ohh.. yes.. aaa.. yes" and when you think you they understood it turns out that they do something quite opposite in the end. When it comes to navigation maps don't help either - they don't seem to understand what you try to show them. We've learned that lesson trying to get to the divecenter we are doing our Assistant Instructor course in. Of course there thankfully are some exceptions:)
The next thing that was different than I expected was the weather. I thought the rainy season was over so I expected the weather to be hot, moist with lots of sun. I was wrong, the rainy season was not over yet and it was cloudy, warm and there was some rain.
We landed on Phuket and are staying in a hotel in Phuket Town. We are (or at least I am) a bit overwhelmed by this place (the Phuket town). It's so much different than any other city I have visited. Phuket Town seems very dirty to an average European person. In addition everything smells different, everyone seems to want to kill you with their motorbike, the traffic rules we are used to are "just guidelines" here.
We don't know the town and although we have some maps (and of course our Lonely Planet guide) we are clueless how to get to places we want to go. Thai people are very friendly, that's true, but the don't speak English:/ To make things worse, they are very good at hiding this fact from you. They just say "Ohh.. yes.. aaa.. yes" and when you think you they understood it turns out that they do something quite opposite in the end. When it comes to navigation maps don't help either - they don't seem to understand what you try to show them. We've learned that lesson trying to get to the divecenter we are doing our Assistant Instructor course in. Of course there thankfully are some exceptions:)
The next thing that was different than I expected was the weather. I thought the rainy season was over so I expected the weather to be hot, moist with lots of sun. I was wrong, the rainy season was not over yet and it was cloudy, warm and there was some rain.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Off to Phuket
On 24th of October we're starting our voyage:) First we're going to Phuket in Thailand to do PADI Assistant Instructor course and hopefully find some employment in one of Phuket's divecenters. The peak season in Thailand is starting at the beginning of November so we hope that there will be some employment for two new PADI AIs. We're flying from Warsaw to Bangkok through Berlin and then to Phuket by AirAsia. We have booked a hotel for the first few days and then we hope to rent a house/condo. The last few days in Warsaw were very busy - we had to do some last moment preparations and also pack all our belongings as our friend are going to be renting our flat.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Finally - plastic arrived

Today I got my Divemaster certification card :D. I've posted the application 1,5 month ago, so it's quite a long time. Fortunately I got my PADI number earlier, three weekse after PADI charged my credit card for the divemaster application. If you want to get your number quick you can try contacting PADI member services, they are very helpful.
The deck is growing...

It's funny that I got the course evaluation questionnaire on paper this time.
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